Friday, November 27, 2020

Blog #3

I really enjoy this video and the interpretation it gives for making the world a better place for all of us. There are a lot of helpful techniques that we can all pull a positive source from. I like that it is discussed how it is important to gain knowledge of all topics discussed for our future generations that have yet to be born. I like how she states it is our mission to make long term goals and get into the groove of policies to better our world and community. I believe everyone can take away a positive mind frame by listening to this TEDtalk. I think having Tedtalks are so helpful in teaching our teachers great tools in order to help our students. Sophie also discusses how to use chrome maps to circulate how many people are affected in the area with living, passing away and more tips to help sustain long-lasting life and better aspects to keep that the focus. Sophie suggests ways of how they excel in Wales and how other countries can use their modules to help other civilizations. There are opportunities in Wales to have a trade organizations in a medieval walkway where people can safely speak and trade with others. 

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