Thursday, November 26, 2020

blog #5 Building rapport

Building Rapport In The Classroom!

It is absolutely so important to build rapport among the students in the classroom. This will take time. Building trust in students is a must. One way to make sure you build rapport with your children properly is by getting to know what each child likes and dislikes. Another way is by letting the children come to you and tell you specific subjects that he or she likes to learn or just let them talk to you and ask open ended questions. Students will open up completely once the trust has been built between you and them. Building a rapport means to have a bond that is harmonious between one or more parties. It is vital in order to make a difference in each students' life to get to know them on a personal level. There are also fun ways to take notes, take surveys, and write down specific areas the children talk to you about so you can revert back to what was said at what certain time. There are always new adventures students like to explore and coming back to them week to week will offer quite a lot of changes and new experiences you as a teacher can learn from and build lesson plans around. It is always great to have lesson plans that spark specific interests for all students. I want to build a rapport with every student of strength, trust, and empathy so that we can accomplish many studies and lessons to help grow the students hourly in the classroom. I encourage all teachers to build a weekly curriculum around your students specific interests and to always know that you are the reason for students to want to learn more and you have the ability to make one of the most everlasting effect on students lives forever. Keep moving forward and know you are the difference for a new generation, so make it count!!  

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