Happy Greetings Parents!!
I want to share with you how technology is drastically improving our classroom teaching!! I also would like to know more about you and your relationship with your child to better help me care for your child while they are here in my classroom!
First, students have access to an incredible amount of new opportunities. From learning how to code to learning how to better collaborate across teams and with their instructors, your student will have ample opportunity to adjust, grow, and excel in the classroom! This helps to empower your child and allow technology to super-charge how we learn today! The traditional test learning model is broken. With technology in the classroom I, as the teacher, become the encourager, adviser, and coach for your child instead of just an exam-giver. Technology also gives your child the opportunity to enhance the interaction with their classmates by encouraging collaboration! Using technology in the classroom gives teachers the opportunity to develop my student's digital citizenship skills. It's one thing to use mobile devices, it's another thing to know how to use them correctly! In my class, all students are encouraged to safely handle all devices so that your child will be responsible for upkeeping this device in and out of the classroom for all their years to come!
Secondly, Chrome is the easiest tool online for all students to access on a computer. It directly syncs all of the information you currently have with even more offers of necessary applications to create better-standing lessons for your child. There is an ability to secure your child's' browsers in chrome, and it makes for online learning an easy transfer from classroom to virtual techniques. This application will automatically save and store everything your child works on for class so that you are able to monitor and assist! Chrome has an unlimited amount of activities for excelling in the classroom. There is an ability to have virtual desktops all combined into your chrome application, syncing important information, print webpages, and so much more to help your student learn and grow with technology.
Thirdly, having specific devices that cater to chrome will unlock for your child a magnitude of free learning modules and applications to better learning lesson plans, create a specific blog that can be closely monitored, and it can restore positive reinforcement that your child is creative and learn in substantial education. There are parental restrictions that can be put onto your desktop with chrome to prevent your child from exploring any sites that may not be used for educational purposes. Keeping our children safe while exploring is the first goal, following learning new modules.
It is very important to keep technology in the classrooms at the fore-front of teaching techniques so that your child and all students will feel confident and well accomplished throughout the many years of schooling to come. Keep technology in a student's curriculum and watch the mind flourish! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail or call me at: khwitham01@gmail.com
Thank you,
Ms. Kristen Witham